Healing Level III


   In Chios Level II, you learned to sense and treat some simple energetic defects in your patient's aura and chakras. You learned to correct four conditions that can affect the auric field layers: auric energy impurities, leaks and tears of the auric field layers, energy depletion and disturbance of energy flow. You also learned to correct one important energetic defect that can affect the chakra system: you learned to sense and treat blocked chakras.

   In this level, you will not discontinue performing the effective energy healing techniques that you have learned to treat these conditions, but you will now learn to sense and treat further energetic conditions that can very detrimentally affect the health and vitality of your patient, should they remain untreated. Three of the new energetic conditions you will learn to sense and treat affect your patient's chakra system. They are undercharged chakras, unbalanced chakras, and chakras exhibiting structural energetic defects. You will learn powerful and effective methods for treating each of these conditions.

   In healing treatments, you will first treat whatever auric energy impurities, leaks and tears, energy depletion, disturbances in energy flow and blocked chakras you may find in your patient, using the appropriate techniques you have studied in the second level. Then it will be your task to sense and then apply whatever further treatment is needed by your patient, through the use of the new series of special techniques. Often this additional treatment of your patient, using the techniques you will study in this level, will occupy a substantial portion of treatment and be its major focus—the simple yet powerful techniques you are about to learn to effect changes in the chakras and aura layers, although requiring some degree of competence to perform correctly, are the primary and fundamental tools of the professional energy field healer. A basic understanding of the operation of the chakra system will assist you in understanding and effectively using many of these tools.

Energetic and Radiant Characteristics of the Chakra System:

   The chakras are perhaps the most simple, yet also most complex part of the individual being. Each chakra in the chakra system is always taking in and sending forth energy, in many directions and in many ways.

   One important aspect of the functioning of the chakras is their energetic characteristics. It has been discussed how the energy may be likened to a life force flowing within the body, and the chakras possess a quality of energetic conduction. The body and its chakras are a conductor for the energy. The chakras receive energy from the earth, and from all around, and this energy is then distributed throughout the body in various ways—ideally in a healthy and harmonious flow and pattern of interaction that encompasses all the various portions of the energy field, including the other chakras, the higher layers of aura and the organs and tissues of the physical body, and in other ways that support life.

   One aspect of this energy pattern is the upward flow of energy through the chakras. Beginning at the 1st chakra, there is a very significant energy flow which ascends through the chakra system—through the central energy channel in the spine—and continues to the 7th chakra. Whereas the lower chakras are simple in their functioning, the chakras grow progressively more complex and spiritual in their functioning. As the energy ascends through the chakras it is transmuted—processed by each chakra according to the particular nature of the chakra—and then continues upward to the next chakra in the system. Like locks on a river, each step takes (or transmutes) the energy to a higher level than the step before.

   Although this upward flow of energy is the one that is of primary importance to the healer, it is interesting to know that there is also a small but constant stream of energy flow back down the chakra system—a high form of energy that has been transmuted up through each of the chakras including the 7th, and then works back down through the system, through each chakra, to infuse the chakras and the energy moving upward. This minor downward flow of energy is not transmuted again on its way back down, but works to stimulate and infuse. The chakras are therefore linked by this upward (and downward) stream of energy. They connect with each other, and yet each is like a small engine operating and running in accordance with its own particular nature. It is a blockage in this energy flow—most particularly in the necessary upward flow of this energy—which is treated when one treats a blocked chakra.

   Each chakra also distributes energy in other ways. As each chakra processes the energy available to it, it also passes on energy and participates in the operation of the entire energy field. Each chakra influences the energetic activity of the various layers of aura, for example, maintaining a significant connection to its corresponding layer of aura, but also influencing all the other layers, to one degree or another, as a holistic participant in the energy field.

   In addition to their function as energy junctions for the energy that conducts in the central energy channel and throughout the energy field, however, the chakras also have another important characteristic to their functioning. As each chakra takes some of the energy that nourishes it and transmutes it according to the chakra's own particular character, it then not only sends the energy within it upward to the next chakra (providing no blockage is present) and distributes it throughout the body and the energy field, but also radiates it outward from the body in a visual field related to that chakra's unique nature. This radiant characteristic is a higher and more subtle manifestation of the chakra, beyond its function as an energy junction and energy distributor, and it is not a forceful energy, but a glowing sign of the condition and health of the chakra. There is at all times a radiation of energy from each chakra outwards in all directions. It is most visible as an outward flow from the body and is not a primary movement of energy but a visible indicator of the performance and state of the health of the chakra. It is the visual appearance of the chakra, from which the condition of the chakra (and therefore its energetic influence on the rest of the energy field) can be inferred.

   This radiant characteristic of the chakras can perhaps be understood through an analogy. Consider the chakra system as a stem with flowers upon it, seven flowers at different levels up and down the stem, from red at the bottom to violet at the top. Energy from the earth ascends through the stem and nourishes each flower, in succession, each flower taking some energy for the purpose of nourishing itself and producing its petals, the energy also continuing upwards to the remaining flowers above. Each flower is also nourished from sunlight streaming down from above and all around, a higher energy and light which makes all life possible. Each flower does not radiate energy, like chakras do, but each flower does absorb energy from all that surrounds it and processes it according to its nature, and has a visible appearance which is an indicator of its health as it does so. Each flower radiates a visual appearance which is an indicator of its "energetic" health and well-being.

   Chakras possess this radiant quality to their functioning. It is this characteristic, related to the health of the chakra, that will be sensed prior to treating the chakra using color. It is this radiant chakra field that you sought to begin to sense, as it reflects on the back of your hands, during your practice of Chios Level II. In this level you will learn further ways to begin to sense the colors in this chakra field, for the purpose of assessing the health of the chakra, and there will be two basic conditions that you will evaluate and treat with color:  1) chakras that are undercharged, that are inadequate or that are impure in their native energetic operation; and 2) chakras that are unbalanced, that are over or under-activated in their operation, in comparison with the other chakras in the chakra system. To refer again to the analogy above, some flowers may show a diseased or weak color or hue to their petals—may not be gaining enough energy from the energy ascending through the stem, or may have become subject to disease. These may be likened to undercharged chakras. Other flowers may show too much or too little growth, as seen in the size of their petals—they process somewhat more or somewhat less of their share of the energy and are therefore too active or too timid in their growth, compared to the other flowers. These may be likened to unbalanced chakras in the chakra system. These conditions are explained in more detail below.

Undercharged Chakras:

   The chakras in the chakra system are connected, and work as a unit, for the operation of each affects the others. There is inherent in each chakra the full range of colors, from red to violet, although colors other than the native color of the chakra will probably not be visible to any great extent.

   Each chakra has a dominant color, which will be visible, corresponding to its place in the chakra system. It is as if each chakra were a cell, aligned with a certain location on the spectrum, yet also connected to the others and part of the whole. Each location has an affinity for a specific true color, and this true color corresponds to the native energy level of the chakra—to the form of energy that nourishes it and corresponds to its domain of activity, its realm of being. This native true color of a chakra will often be rich, strong and pure—its own color only—yet the presence of other colors is not an indication of lack of health, but a sign of activity. A pure orange chakra, for example, is not healthier than an orange chakra with bright flecks or sparks of blue and green; these other colors indicate normal, healthy operation of the chakra in conjunction with other healthy energies in the chakra system and energy field.

   An orange chakra that is faded or lacks brightness in its color and radiant appearance, however, is a chakra that is weak, depressed or inadequate in its native energetic functioning—a chakra that will be, as a result of its weakened condition, susceptible to energetic impurities. A chakra that is diffused, muddied, watery, or smeared with color, or streaked with black or gray impurities, has become impure in its functioning; its operation has become subject to unhealthy energies. Its "engine" is out of tune and "running rough." Such undercharged chakras are not operating in a strong, healthy and pure manner, and indicate this condition by not radiating their true color hue in a pure way. Whether simply weak and deficient in the content of its native energy or whether additionally sullied with energetic impurities, an undercharged chakra is a weakened chakra, a chakra that has squandered energy or has improperly processed the energy available to it in such a way that it is not properly maintaining itself—it is a chakra in a depleted condition and vulnerable to impurity.  It is diseased and in need of treatment—in need of being charged back to its healthy hue.

   Undercharged chakras are unable to fully and completely fulfill the energetic contribution they are supposed to make to the overall operation of the energy field of the patient. They are chakras that do not contribute a proper vitality of their native energy to the overall operation of the energy field and/or introduce an element of energetic impurity to the influence that they exert upon the overall holistic operation of the field. They are not fulfilling their part of the overall health of the energy field of the patient. An undercharged 3rd chakra, for example, correlates to a mental aspect (especially as pertaining to the perception and projection of self) that has become weak, vulnerable and subject to impurity. Such a condition will correlate to the psychological issues and life experience of the patient and will affect nearly every aspect of the patient's life, to one degree or another.

   An undercharged chakra also works to depress the normal energetic functioning of the chakras and the related functioning of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Although each chakra is strongly related to its corresponding aura layer, the chakras exist at each layer of aura—just as there are points on the physical body where chakras exist, so are there points or areas on the other bodies where the chakras are—and the operation of each chakra is related to the entire aura and operations within it. When a chakra is undercharged, the energetic functioning of not only the corresponding aura level is affected, but also all related functions in the entire energy field. When the 3rd chakra is undercharged, for example, it will affect the healthy operation of related organs in the physical body, related operations in the emotional body (as they relate to the 3rd chakra), operations in the mental body (the corresponding aura layer), and in other areas also (including in other chakras). All operations in the energy field related to the operation of the undercharged chakra are affected, and they are, in whatever aspect in which they are related, therefore subject to weakness, impurity and disease.

   It is quite common to find undercharged 3rd, 4th and 5th chakras in patients, and charging these chakras will often provide a vital and noticeable benefit to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of the patient. The 1st and 2nd chakras need charging a little less frequently, and when an undercharged condition occurs in these it is perhaps less serious, although they should still be charged back to health. The 6th and 7th chakras similarly require charging somewhat less frequently, but when an undercharged condition is present in these higher chakras it is quite serious. The higher the chakra the greater the unhealthy effect of an undercharged chakra, because it will more completely affect the operation of the energy field on all levels. Charging of the 6th and 7th chakras, when required, is therefore highly necessary and highly beneficial to the patient, in many ways.

   The lower chakras have a self-healing aspect; that is, when in an undercharged state they have the tendency to charge and heal themselves back to health. This is particularly true with the 1st and 2nd chakras. As one proceeds to the higher chakras, however, this self-healing property of the chakras diminishes—the higher chakras cannot re-charge and heal themselves—and so, unless treated by the healer, these undercharged conditions will remain, sometimes indefinitely. This is another reason why restoring undercharged higher chakras is so important and so beneficial to the patient.

Unbalanced Conditions in the Chakra System:

   Each chakra in the chakra system plays a particular part in the overall health and harmony of the entire energy field—each chakra potentially affecting all the other elements of the field. Each chakra must be charged—must have a vitality and purity to its energetic functioning—but there are other considerations to be met for healthy functioning of the entire system.

   Each chakra also has an activity level—it transmutes a certain amount of the energy it takes in for the purpose of exerting its influence and operating according to its place in the overall health of the energy field. This level of activity of the "engine" is also indicated by its radiant characteristic—not by the coloration of the chakra field but by its size. To function properly, in good health at every part of the being, there must be an overall balance in the activity level of the chakras—each chakra taking and transmuting a balanced amount of the energy available and therefore working in a balanced and harmonious manner with the others. Chakras that are either overactive or underactive, however, transmuting too much or too little of the energy and hence are over or under-processing, are unbalanced. Their "engine" is running too fast or too slow. This defect is not a lack nor purity of the native energy content of the chakra (as in an undercharged chakra), but is an incorrect level of activation—an overall activity level of the chakra which is not equal to and in balance with the other chakras in the chakra system.

   Unbalanced chakras are chakras that exhibit too much or too little influence in the overall being of the patient. They are chakras which function too much or too little and therefore exert an unbalanced effect, such that the particular contribution to the overall energetic operation of the patient's chakra system that the chakra makes is either over or under-represented. Because each chakra plays a unique part in the overall health and harmony of the entire energy field, an unbalanced chakra creates a state of imbalance that affects the entire energy field and state of being of the patient. An overactive 2nd chakra, for example, can correlate to the emotional aspect (especially as pertaining to desire or sexuality) that has become too forceful and too dominating in its influence on the energy field and overall state of being of the patient. Such a condition will influence the operation of all other aspects of the energy field of the patient, to one degree or another, as they relate to that chakra, and this will often correlate to the psychological issues and life experience of the patient. Although an unbalanced chakra, by itself, may not initiate an illness or affliction, it is often present as a contributing factor. Unbalanced chakras, in any case, inhibit a balanced physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life.

   Unbalanced chakras are indicated by a radiant appearance which shows a larger or smaller than normal size of the chakra field—corresponding to the unbalanced activity level and influence of the chakra. In a balanced chakra system, all chakras are radiating equally. The radiatory strength of the chakra is an indicator of its influence in the overall being, relative to the other chakras in the chakra system—it is the force of the chakra itself. It is desirable to have all seven chakras of equal force, to have them in balance. Should any chakras be over or under-stimulated in their radiant strength, the chakras must be rebalanced by the healer, by raising or lowering the activity of those chakras out of alignment. For example, a 2nd chakra may be radiating a healthy orange hue, but too powerfully. This chakra is not in need of charging, but needs rebalancing, so that its activity level is slowed to balance with the other chakras in the system so that they may all radiate equally, restoring the patient's being to an overall balance.

   It is interesting to note that an undercharged and an underactive chakra are similar—at least in their effect. A chakra that is undercharged may have a weakness or impurity to its energy, but may nevertheless have a proper level of operation of its "engine"—a proper activity level. An underactive chakra may still have an adequate content and purity to its energetic functioning—may be charged and functioning—yet still not be possessed of the level of activation which is required for it to be of proper influence in its operation. Both such chakras will depress the normal energetic functioning of the entire energy field, in such ways as they relate and contribute to each aspect. Although the effect is nearly the same (although not quite, for the undercharged chakra may also contribute energetic impurity) the cause is different. The inability of each chakra to perform is similar in its effect but different in the underlying reason.

   In the chakra system there are not chakras which are more or less likely to be unbalanced—to be over or under-active. There will therefore be no chakras in your patient more inclined to need rebalancing, yet there will be patterns of balancing that you will find. In each individual, the balance of the chakra system will show some pattern of deviation from an ideally balanced state, such that there will be an overall pattern instead of single chakras being out of balance or dramatic shifts taking place in the activity levels of the chakras. You will, for example, seldom find only one chakra out of balance, nor will you often find a very overactive chakra next to a very underactive one, but it will always be that there is an overall pattern or curve to the level of activation of the chakras in the chakra system such that there is a pattern of deviation from the equal, level degree of activation you would find when the system is in a perfectly balanced state.

   This deviation from ideal balance in the chakra system is often a chronic structural condition in particular patients—it is a semi-permanent or permanent condition that will remain unless the healer works to rebalance the system to its proper state. You may, for example, have a patient which shows a fairly level balance in the lower chakras, yet as the higher chakras are approached the level of activation declines, so that the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras require rebalancing upwards. You may find that this condition requires repeated treatment to attempt to correct—that it tends to be more chronic and pattern-specific than the occurrence of undercharged chakras in the patient. It is nevertheless true that rebalancing will serve to progressively correct this condition.

Chakras Exhibiting Structural Energetic Defects:

   There is another energetic defect that may be present in chakras—one that is not sensed using the radiant appearance of the chakra, but that nevertheless pertains to the energetic functioning of the chakra in an important way.

   Each chakra in the chakra system can be thought of as an energetic "engine," into which energy is received, sent forth, and processed, all in various ways. Each chakra has an energetic structure that corresponds to its functioning and determines how it can operate, effectively or otherwise. Chakras have been described as "whirlpools" of energy, often with certain details to their structure, and it is this normal structure and therefore function of the chakra which makes possible the clear, pure and effective processing of energy from each individual chakra that the overall health of the energy field requires.

   Chakras may, however, exhibit structural energetic defects, defects in the very structure and ability of the chakra to process energy. This sort of defect is not a lack of quantity or lack of purity in the basic native energy of the chakra (as in an undercharged chakra), nor is it a basic over- or under-activity of the chakra as it "runs" (as in an unbalanced chakra), but is a lack and failing in the very structure of the chakra which limits its very ability to process energy in a pure manner and in the way it is intended. The chakra itself becomes no longer able to receive, process and transmit energy in a pure manner. In such a chakra, the energy is no longer flowing in its complete form—the defect that has become inherent in its structure and operation works as a "filter" to allow only a certain portion of the energy through, or as to place a "spin" or distortion onto the flow of energy.

   This way in which structural energetic defects can result in an incomplete and distorted flow of energy through the chakra can be described through an analogy. Consider the flow of energy through the chakra as a flow through a screen, in which tiny holes are present. If some tiny holes become blocked (through which the overall flow of energy cannot proceed in an undistorted way), and other holes become partially occluded (in which the rays of energy go forth a short way and yet are then blocked or diverted), the effect is an overall restriction and distortion of what should be a clear, smooth and complete flow of the energy.

   Chakras that exhibit this structural energetic defect are unable to fulfill their portion of the energetic health of the overall energy field. All portions of the energy field that would otherwise interact and receive beneficial influence from the proper operation of the chakra are instead subject to a distorted, incomplete and improper functioning of the energy, which would normally flow through and be processed by the chakra. The serious result is a fundamental incompleteness and distortion of the energetic influence the chakra has upon the entire energy field, including the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and related aspects of the patient's being. The manner in which this occurs can often be correlated, not only to specific deviations in chakra structure, but also to the specific diseases and afflictions that may result. All operations in the energy field related to the operation of the defective chakra are rendered distorted or incomplete in their operation, to one degree or another.

   The occurrence of structural energetic defects can correlate to fundamental ways in which the psychology and life experience of the patient has become distorted. A structural energetic defect in the 4th chakra, for example, may indicate a fundamental distortion in the patient's ability to give and receive love—often as the result of traumatic experiences. This will, of course, also affect and be reflected in all other aspects of the patient's being. Structural energetic defects are the most serious condition of all that may be found in chakras—they can often result in serious physical disease or in conditions of chronic emotional, mental or spiritual limitation, affliction or illness. These defects do not heal themselves—left untreated they will remain, will exert a very unhealthy influence on the entire life process of the patient and will often eventually result in some form of disease. These serious defects in chakras may be corrected, however, through the use of a special technique known as the radiatory method.

   It is quite common to find structural energetic defects in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakras, and these are serious conditions that require treatment. Structural energetic defects of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras, although somewhat less commonly found and somewhat less serious, nevertheless require treatment. The correction of structural energetic defects, through the employment of the radiatory method, provides a vital and very important benefit to the energetic health of the patient.

   It is important to note that these three energetic defects that may be found in chakras—undercharged chakras, unbalanced conditions in the chakras and structural energetic defects of chakras—are often related in their occurrence. Often the healer will find that a chakra exhibits two or more of these defects: that a chakra in need of charging, for example, will also require rebalancing and/or radiatory treatment, and may even also be blocked, show auric energy impurities in the field above it, or have small tears in the field layer(s) above it. Often this will be the case with the higher chakras—the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th. These chakras, having a more sophisticated spiritual functioning, will often display several defects at once and will require subtle treatment—they require more of the healer's skill and attention, yet treatment of them has profound and lasting effect.

   The various energetic defects to be found in or near chakras are usually interrelated, and often correlate to aspects of the patient's psychology and life experience. Often a patient will have a chronically weak chakra or chakras which require treatment with many of these techniques.  Treatment of all these particular conditions in the chakras, coupled with the other aspects of proper healing work, offers the patient the opportunity to move beyond the problems and the existential biases that are their basis.

   Restoration of the proper functioning of the chakra system of your patient, through charging, rebalancing and radiatory treatment of all chakras that require it, accomplishes a great deal. It will assist in treating the ultimate causes of any physical disease present (or conditions which can potentially lead to disease), will work to heal and clear whatever problems or afflictions exist in the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects to the patient's being, and will provide a purity, harmony and balance on all levels of the energy field.

©1994 - 2011 Stephen H. Barrett